Friday, May 21, 2010

Mercatino Usato - Selling my old shit!

These pictures won't load bigger!!! :-(

Last sunday a colleague form work organised a yard sale at a beautiful villa not far from Verona. We all had the opportunity to get rid of our old junk and have a stall. Since Italy doesn't have charity shops, it seemed like a good excuse for a clear out. Faye and I also decided to make stuff as she is talented (I am not). We made a few beach bags and some carrier bag holders.
Fortunately after two weeks of constant rain the day was beautiful and we spend hours in a garden eating food and drinking local wine. Our junk wasn't much of a hit (it was junk) but Fayes bags were a hit and we sold them all and made orders for more!! The blue flowery bag is one of ours!! If anyone else wants one - let us know!!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I've been adding flowers and plants to the balcony all week and took the opportunity to photograph some of them today. You can see that we have now a balcony guest. He is Gnorris the Gnome. Doesn't do much but is very happy.